יום רביעי, 30 בספטמבר 2009

Day Two

Day Two
Part One
Translate the words:

Pull a trick
Fall for a trick
Fix breakfast
To be up to something
Put it a certain way
Take the heat
Come up

Part Two
What trick did Rodrick pull on Greg?
Why did Greg fall for it? Give three reasons.
What happened when Greg was eating his "breakfast"?
Why did Greg's father throw up his hands?

Part Three
What would you do if you were Greg?
What would your parents do if you woke them up in the middle of a night?

Part Four
Describe a trick you pulled on somebody or they pulled on you. (70 words)

יום רביעי, 9 בספטמבר 2009

Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Day 1
Translate the following words and expressions:
1) to get something straight
2) jerk
3) sissy
4) clear up
5) seating chart
6) period
7) home room
8) slide
9) keep somebody off your back

Part One
1) What's the writer's name?
2) What deal did he have?
3) Who's Rodrick?
4) What was the real reason Greg started the diary?
5) Who are Chris Hosey , Lionel James, and Otha Harris?
6) What's bad about sitting among girls? Give two reasons.
7) How did Greg plan to slide with new teachers?

Part Two
1) What's the difference between a diary and a journal?
2) Why does Greg insist on calling his diary a journal?
3) Describe Greg's relationships with Rodrick.
4) What are Greg's worries about school?
5) Does Greg like Algebra? Why? Why not?
6) Was Rodrick a good student? Why? Why not?
7) How can you describe Greg as a sudent?

Part Three
Learn about schools in the U.S.A. Answer the following questions:
1) What age do American children start school?
2) How long do they study at primary school?
3) What's the next stage? How long is it?
4) How are the ninth through the twelfth grade commonly referred to?
5) What marks do students get?
6) What subjects do they learn ? Mention at least five.
7) How many subjects should an American pupil take to enter university?
8) What's the name of the document American pupils get after successful completion of a broad secondary school curriculum?

Part Four
What are your worries on the first day of school? Are they the same as Greg's? Write a paragraph (70 words).